Look what Lindsey at The Motion Pictures gave us!

If you’re not following Lindsey’s delightful and thought-provoking movie blog, you should make haste to so! One of the many things we love about Lindsey’s blog is her Favourite Things About… feature.

One of the rules in accepting this award is to share seven Random Facts about yourself. Here are some things you were dying to know:

Random Fact #1: Our blog turned a year old on November 24. We celebrated with chocolate cake.

Random Fact #2: We celebrate every occasion with chocolate. It’s an all-purpose celebration treat.

Random Fact #3: We recently saw Sunset Boulevard on the big screen and nearly wept at how magnificent it was. It was as though we’d never seen this film before.

Random Fact #4: We rarely read books over 500 pages in length. We do not read books we cannot lift.

Random Fact #5: We first discovered Turner Classic Movies a few years ago when we moved into a new house and decided to splurge on cable. When we saw that such a thing as TCM existed, we were overjoyed. We felt as if we had won the lottery.

Random Fact #6: This December, we’re hoping to break our previous record of watching It’s a Wonderful Life eight times in one month. So far this month, we’ve seen it twice. Why we feel compelled to break this record we do not know.

Random Fact #7: We recently wrote a guest blog for Forgotten Film’s Crush-a-Thon. If you’re not following Forgotten Films, you’re really doing yourself a disservice.

Now, another rule for this award is to nominate 15 other bloggers. Our dilemma is that we admire dozens of blogs and are unable to select only 15. So, sadly, we shall have to forego this.

Happily blogging about old movies and using the royal "We".

16 Comment on “Thank You, TMP Lindsey

Start Singin', Mac!

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