Excited to be co-hosting this blogathon with Christina Wehner. We’re looking forward to your take on Movie Scientists!

Christina Wehner

Scientist Blogathon BannersThe inimitable Silver Screenings and I are delighted to announce the “Movie Scientist Blogathon: The Good, The Mad, The Lonely!”

Why? – Silver Screenings and I were discussing how scientists who work alone are prone to silly errors. In a collaborative environment, surely Frankenstein would not have inserted that abnormal brain into his monster. And surely Dr. Jekyll would have had no need to test his formula on himself (talk about uncontrolled environment!). The greatest mistake scientists make is to work alone. And in many ways, the scientist is alone…a unique figure burdened with responsibility. Scientists, perhaps even more than superheroes, get to either save the day or wreck it.

But then we thought, there are so many different kinds of scientists in the movies. Why not collaborate to celebrate all of the them, the great diversity of scientists in all their manifestations of good, mad and often…

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Happily blogging about old movies and using the royal "We".

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  1. Pingback: Movie Scientist Blogathon 2016- The Menacing Altruism of Boris Karloff! – The Last Drive In

  2. Pingback: Ginger and Jimmy in VIVACIOUS LADY: The Backstory Was Even Crazier and Sexier Than the Movie | Sister Celluloid

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