Look at the fab event our friends at Little Bits of Classics and Christina Wehner are hosting!

Christina Wehner

AgathaChristieLittle Bits of Classics and I are thrilled and excited to announce the Agatha Christie Blogathon – The Queen of Crime!


September 16th-18th


The inspiration for this blogathon is Domi’s of Little Bits of Classics. It is in honor of Agatha Christie’s 126th birthday on the 15th of September.


All things Agatha Christie are welcome! Anything and everything – her life, her writing style, her characters, her books, the movie adaptations of her books, tributes, retrospections – the more the better! We want to honor everything about the great lady.

The only rules we have are that we are Not Allowing Duplicates on individual Books because there are so many we hope to see covered. There are quite a few movies, too, so we thought we would put a limit of TwoPosts Per Movie. However, there is no limit on how many posts can…

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Happily blogging about old movies and using the royal "We".

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Start Singin', Mac!

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