It’s Day 4 of Reel Infatuation goodness, and today’s entries are very bit as fabulous as the previous three days.

Want to join the fun? Just leave a message in the Comments below, and/or click HERE for the original announcement.

If you’re on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or other social media, be sure to use the #ReelInfatuation hashtag.

Bloggers: If we missed your post this evening, never fear! We’ll include you in tomorrow night’s recap.

Here are today’s dreamy entries!


Goosepimply All Over goes all fangirl over Ponyboy Curtis (C. Thomas Howell) in The Outsiders (1983).


Shadows and Satin swoons over the cagey J.J. Sefton (William Holden) in Stalag 17 (1953).

Charles Farrell

Breathing Movies crushes on Lem (Charles Farrell) – and his hair – in City Girl (1930).


Four Star Film Fan admires wholesome Peggy (Teresa Wright) in The Best Years of Our Lives (1946).

Leonard Nimoy as Spock

Scare Me On Fridays rhapsodizes about the unusual charms of Spock (Leonard Nimoy) on Star Trek (1966-69).

The Mask of Zorro

Christina Wehner admits to a not-so-secret crush on Zorro (Antonio Banderas) in The Mark of Zorro (1998).

Join us tomorrow for the final day of the Reel Infatuation Blogathon!

Day 1 Recap
Day 2 Recap
Day 3 Recap

Happily blogging about old movies and using the royal "We".

15 Comment on “#ReelInfatuation Blogathon: Day 4

  1. Pingback: JOHN BARRYMORE: THE REEL INFATUATION BLOGATHON – In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood.

  2. Pingback: #ReelInfatuation Blogathon: Day 5 – Silver Screenings

  3. Pingback: #ReelInfatuation Blogathon Round-Up: Days 3-5 | A Small Press Life

  4. Pingback: #ReelInfatuation Blogathon Round-Up | Font and Frock

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